Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to make Konnyaku (homemade yam paste)

Konnyaku is a plant native to warm tropical Eastern Asia, used to create a flour and jelly of the same name.

Konnyaku produced from tubers of Konnyaku root, has been consumed as a part of important Japanese dishes for over 2000 years.
In Japanese cuisine, konnyaku appears in dishes such as oden. It´s valued more for its texture than flavor.
The Konnyaku is used as a vegan substitute of gelatin in Japan.

Follow a recipe I learned in a cooking class.

You will need the ingredients detailed at the recipe as well as:

After that is just follow the procedure:

 With Konnyaku you can make chocolate and other desserts, take a look:

Bom apetit!


  1. Thank you so much, I have been searching for this recipe for months!!

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